Equity in Nursing: A Summit for Change
National Press Club
529 14th Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20045
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 5:00pm ET - Friday, February 28, 2025 at 9:00pm ET
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This event will use data-driven solutions and dialogue to combat bias and empower all nurses – regardless of race, gender, or background.
Credits Offered
This event offers
6.5 CNE credits
to attendees.
Accreditation Info:
Additional Information
Register for this conference by clicking HERE
Purpose of Summit
A nursing workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities it serves is better equipped to provide equitable, compassionate, and culturally competent care. The American Nurses Association believes that the creation and protection of a strong, diverse, and equitable nursing workforce is the key to creating a healthcare system that serves everyone.
That is why we have created Equity in Nursing: A Summit for Change to:
- Provide foundational data and findings regarding systemic barriers and prejudices that permeate the nursing profession.
- Speak boldly and authentically, in collaboration with our partners, to invoke positive transformation for the profession.
- Highlight successful and action-oriented strategies that combat these injustices to create an uplifted and equitable nursing workforce.
Thank you to our sponsors: Chamberlain University, DNPs of Color, and Duke University School of Nursing.
Please reach out directly with any questions.
Email: commissiononracism@ana.org
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Go to EventBrite website for all details for registration.